Tomcat and JTE at LDI 2017

Tomcat and JTE racked up another successful show at LDI 2017, featuring the companies current line of products.

Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of Tomcat and the 40th anniversary of James Thomas Engineering in truss manufacturing, the main thrust of the show was to highlight their current line of truss products and new innovations. The latest LDI show was also the introduction of Carmen Savarese as the new Sales & Marketing Director for the Tomcat and JTE teams.

Tomcat presented the new Nemesis pre-rig truss, which comes in standard and touring formats. Its single person side loading system allows users to rig moving lights to the aluminium bar, slide into the truss from either end and lock it in place. With 4-inch spaced holes. Including adjustable caster assembly and different fixture bracket options.

JTE featured its Galaxy 300 pre-rig truss with Tomcat’s Edge rotating spigot. The 6061-T6 aluminium and stainless steel constructed truss features adjustable mounting bars for conventional and moving lights, a removable stacking cup, a range of gates and a 15-inch design.

The Tomcat and JTE sales teams were on-hand during the exhibition to give visitors the lowdown on their leading truss and support structure products, as well informing them about the wide range of design, engineering and execution of bespoke and custom projects they have available. /