7 Days to #SaveStageLighting

Whatever your involvement in live events, the stage lighting industry needs your help. Proposed changes in the laws surrounding efficiency of lighting equipment has the potential to seriously adversely affect the industry.

In a nutshell, the familiar A to G energy rating and labelling legislation may be extended to professional stage lighting, which is currently exempt. Many lights used in live events does not reach even the lower rating, even LED fixtures, developments in technology will not keep pace with the requirements.

With domestic lighting, switching to low energy bulbs is a simple swap; for stage lighting, that is not the case. As replacement sources become unavailable, whole fixtures will have to be discarded before the end of their useable life, the environmental impact of entering the waste stream prematurely and the manufacture of whole new fixtures will far outweigh negligible energy savings.

Venues with permanent installations will find that, once replacement bulbs become unavailable, whole systems will need to be replaced, adding a potentially crippling financial burdens in addition to the environmental impact.
Research has shown that, in theatre, stage lighting accounts for just 5% of energy consumption.

You probably don’t have time to read more, but please take time to show support.

The quickest way is to sign AND SHARE the petition, started by the Association of Lighting Designers, the UK spearhead of this campaign.

On May 7th, the latest consultation on the proposals closes, please consider sending a response in support of continuing the exemption for stage lighting and encouraging a thorough, considered impact assessment.

If you wish to read further, resources are available:

A clear, constructive joint statement from lighting related trade bodies across Europe is available, Just CLICK HERE

The Association of Lighting Designers has shared a comprehensive explainer (and a 10 point brief) CLICK HERE

(This press release was originally published via PSA)