Business West completes the world’s first digital ATA Carnet journey

Business West have transported camera equipment from Heathrow to Brussels and back using the world’s first digital carnet.

For a large-scale movement of goods, such as those involved in an international tour, there could be suitcases full of paper-based ATA Carnets, which need to be kept and looked after, as loss or incorrect use can incur significant delays and costs.

Brexit has seen the number of carnets rise significantly for UK-based companies – carnets are now used for the movement of goods into and out of the EU.

Temporary exporters can apply via a digital platform and download an app, which produces a QR code that customs officers can scan and then digitally stamp the carnet.

Business West and EFM Global have been working with UKNATACO (UK National ATA Carnet Organisation), which oversees the operation of ATA Carnets in the UK, to ensure this ‘world first’ was a success.

James Monk, Commercial Director, Business West, said: “We have listened to our customers and are committed to improving the temporary export process. We really needed to bring carnets into the digital age and this first complete journey shows that the process works. More countries will come on board and help aid the flow of temporary exports. We are passionate about innovation, increasing levels of trade and making life easier for our clients.”

Mike Llewellyn, Group CEO at EFM Global, added: “The digital carnet is a massive step for international freight. It will make the system quicker, more efficient, and we were determined to be involved with the first, ground-breaking shipment using that technology.”