Obsidian ONYX 4.10 software now available

Obsidian Control Systems introduced ONYX 4.10, the latest iteration of the control software for NX consoles and PC systems.

ONYX 4.10 included new features and bug fixes aimed at streamlining navigation for lighting control experience while opening up new possibilities for creative programming.

ONYX now supports the NDI network protocol, facilitating real-time transmission of audio and video signals over networks. Users can capture streaming video feeds directly from external media servers into the DyLOS library. This upgrade feature allows for a transmission of video content over all lighting, video walls, and projectors.

ONYX 4.10 introduced audio input, filter, and analyser processors (including NDI and ASIO), enabling graphics manipulation based on audio input, which included features like beat-tap processing, Ableton support, third-party ASIO driver support, MIDI Clock support, and more.

Output overrides, including Park, Default, Highlight, and Offset, are available as customisable presets within a dedicated programmer context.

ONYX now includes direct support for exterior triggers, with added compatibility for Telnet and UDP commands for cue triggering. This new feature simplifies cue activation and is beneficial in integration scenarios such as themed environments where external triggering systems are commonly utilised.
