CHAUVET Professional helps Peter Therrien light Flogging

Flogging Molly embarked on a 21-city Road To Rebellion tour, which kicked off on 16 February 2024 at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut and closed on 17 March at the downtown Las Vegas Events Center.

Peter Therrien conducted the light show that featured a 100-percent CHAUVET Professional floor package supplied by JDI Productions.

“I do build a page for every song with Flogging, but nothing is timecoded, as it’s all about spontaneity and freshness,” said Therrien who ran his show on a ChamSys MagicQ MQ500 Stadium console. “As far as my colour selection goes, it’s based on the feeling I have for the band’s music. So, for instance, when I hear ‘Drunken Lullabies’ it’s always white. I’ve tried blue and amber in the past, but it just feels wrong.  The colour choice has to be in the moment.”

Helping Therrien were eight Maverick MK1 Spot fixtures, eight Color STRIKE M motorised strobe-washes, 14 Rogue R1 BeamWash units, 12 ÉPIX Bar Tour strips and one Ovation 2805FV batten. Adding to the mix are 12 Nexus Aw 7×7 panels.

This rig was positioned on four 8-foot I-stand truss structures, and two 5’ wheeled trusses. Therrien hung two Color STRIK M units on the face of each tower. “I like to use the plates as a wash behind the band,” he explained. “Also, love the incredible plate effects for eye candy. I’ll also use the white tubes as a powerful hit effect during various parts of the set.”

Creating a continuous field of light during the show are the Maverick MK1 Spot fixture, two of which are positioned on each of the two wheeled trusses, while the remainder are arranged on the floor behind the drum riser. Therien credited these fixtures with enhancing the presence of his floor package.  “Their gobos really add the atmosphere, and their output is very important,” he said. “Their beam really makes the stage look massive.”

Therrien designed the rig so it can readily be resized to fit different venues. “The JDI team did a great job helping me prep the tour so we have a flexible and reliable rig as we play 21 cities in 31 days,” he said. “We’re also getting great cooperation from local stagehands. I adjust things every night because every venue is different.”